“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”

Anton Chekhov

I love Cornwall.   


In truth, I have loved it for over 60 years.


St Ives seduced me in the 60’s, during two amazing summers, as it did to all the fortunate people who found themselves in that wondrous place, during those incredible times.


Selling deckchairs on Porthmeor.  I was the original beach boy…


They were magical days, every single one of them. And “the music was flowing, amazing and blowing my way”, as Paul Simon described it a few years later, in ‘The Late Great Johnny Ace’.


Those of us lucky enough to be there at that time, felt inspired and blessed  – and we knew our lives had been shaped forever.


The world was changing.  For the better. 


And we felt right in the centre of it.


Those times defy description now.  So, don’t ask. Unless you were there, you would never understand. 


It was Nirvana.


I had returned many times over the years, but, in January 2018, the beach boy finally came home.  


And, here I’m going to stay.


Thanks for popping in to see me.  I hope you find a few tales, stories and inspiration in this website, that give you loads of pleasure.

Stunning Perranuthnoe
Barney, enjoying a morning run on Gwithian

Email: andy@glintoflight.com



Tel: +44 (0)7774 894039

Wheal Cottage

Breaside, Brea Village

Camborne, Cornwall

TR14 9DG